Environmental Projects
Successful Enhanced Anaerobic Dechlorination Remediation in 1 Year (Florida)

Shown above is the bioenhancement system
and the bioaugmentation tank. Below are data
for the most contaminated well
INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, INC. completed a full-scale anaerobic dechlorination remedial program in Florida that included bioaugmentation (NJ-14) and bioenhancement of the site groundwater.
The remedial measures involved frequent batch injections of dilute sodium lactate solution and ethenogen culture from an anaerobic 100 gallon tank into a series of 4 trenches (perpendicular to groundwater flow) and 7 injection wells using an automated delivery system. The batch injection took advantage of the high groundwater travel velocity (300- 500 feet/year) to disperse the additives prior to their full consumption.
Monitoring over the past several months has indicated remarkable groundwater quality improvement in just twelve months of operation. Ethene concentrations have increased in all of the significantly impacted wells, and all of these wells show an increase in the ratio of daughter products to TCE and PCE. All of the significantly impacted wells currently show positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results. Groundwater quality has improved by over 99%. Several years of groundwater monitoring has indicated that there is negligible rebound in VOC concentrations.
