Environmental Projects
One of the First Full Scale Bioaugmentation Projects in the US
(Sacramento, CA)

Shown above is the trailer mounted
anaerobic dechlorination system.
Below is the redeveloped project site

INNOVATIVE ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, INC. has designed and installed one of the first full scale bioaugmentation remediation systems at a large industrial facility in Sacramento, California in 1999. The facility has experienced releases of trichloroethylene (TCE), and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) into the environment over the past 30 years. A study of the site's intrinsic degradation capacity indicated that etheneogens, which dechlorinate cis-dichloroethe (c-DCE) to vinyl chloride (VC) and ethene were inactive at the site, and thus a bioaugmentation program was designed by IESI. This is the first full scale EAD and bioaugmentation project in California Our system is truly unique and operates undetected underneath Raley Field (Triple A Baseball Field) in Sacramento. In fact, the success of this project has made it the "poster child" for the RWQCB for Brownsfields with actual Billboards touting the project success. Average VOC concentrations have been reduced by over 98%from 3,000 ppb to under 70 ppb in all wells. Off site VOC concentrations have been reduced to non-detectable levels (from 20 ppb historically). We are currently negotiating system shut down which is quite an achievement in California!
To the best of our knowledge this project represents one of the first demonstrated full scale bioaugmentation projects in the US and certainly the first to be permitted in California. |